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Name: Melanie Lim
Age: 13
School: JSHS
D.O.B. : 5 August 97
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♥ Me
♥ My family
♥ All my things
♥ Pink, black and white
♥ My friends
♥ My idol ^+^
♥ Online~~

Hates ►

● Yellow
● Cockroach
● Lizard
● Pig
● Watat's things

Dreams ►

♪ Meet my favourite artist @-@
♪ Happy everyday
♪ Alway healthy
♪ Alway smile
♪ Good result

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August 2010

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Ying Qian♥Qian Hui♥Wan Ching♥Xi Ying♥Li Min♥Eugenie♥Yee Xuen♥Sze Theng♥Kerryn♥Kelly♥May Wen♥

The "Awesome" One

Designer of everything - LiTtL3 aH mA
Softwares - Photoshop/Dreamweaver CS3
Hoster - Photobucket

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Helo ^ ^
my lovely friends~
update blog le @.@
I din write blog a few times ago lolz..
so now write some about my school wan :p
yesterday ar....
主任 say later all form 1 girls go to bilik persidangan,
our class,
1H untill 1N are after recess d~
so happy+syok!!
no need to go Science Lab = = and study Salmah's class ^ ^
we all thought is 打针 lo T.T
I'm really very scared about it!
so many girl also takut takutzzz
but is not 打针 larrr
can 100% relax liao * *
although yesterday no 打针,
but 迟早 also want d lah..
just released one day only ma~~
this month,
August sure must 打针 d :x
cham4 liao lo!!!!
nevermine la..
hope this matter will gone faster and no need to worry about it again!
tomorrow is my sister's examination adi~
she is very hardworking!!
I'm not liking her..
today she din go to school and reads at home lo :D
hope that she'll get good result on her exam!!!
ok already~
write till here #. #
muaks ^ . ^

Finished blogging @ 5:27 PM!!

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